S. Tuchkov, Y. Davydova, O. Kokoylina
Sergey Tuchkov – candidate of political Sciences, associate Professor of political science and sociology Russian economic University by G. V. Plekhanov, (Russia, Moscow), RINSC-SPIN-code: 7335-2364, e-mail: tuchkov1975@gmail.com
Yuliya Davydova – candidate of historical Sciences associate Professor of political science and sociology Russian economic University by G. V. Plekhanov, (Russia, Moscow), RINSC-SPIN-code: 2967-8794, e-mail: ylkadav@mail.ru
Olga Kokoylina – candidate of pedagogical Sciences associate Professor of physical culture and sports Russian economic University by G. V. Plekhanov, (Russia, Moscow), RINSC-SPIN-code: 1925-9778, e-mail: kokoulinaop@mail.ru
Abstract. The article analyzes the professional competence of teacher of high school in conditions of modernization processes taking place in the modern education system. The aim of this study is to identify the most significant aspects of activity of the teacher. The authors thoroughly and consistently consider the main aspects of the competence approach in education. The work shows a different perspective on the components of professional competence of the teacher. The study is based on analysis of the results of a poll conducted in 2017 among students of REU by G. V. Plekhanov. The monitoring has identified which competencies are more preferred and meaningful to students. The authors come to the conclusion that in modern conditions for students are more sought-after professional, not personal qualities of the teacher, and the professional success and demand of a teacher depends in the first instance, from his willingness to continually improve their skills and meet the demands of the time.
Key words: competence approach, professional competence, pedagogical activity.
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