A. Ivanov
Alexander Ivanov – doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor pedagogical, age and social psychology Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations Moscow City Pedagogical University, (Russia, Moscow), SPIN: 2422-2873; e-mail: aivanov7@rambler.ru
Summary. The offered article contains the analysis of the current state of education, the reasons of the failures caused by consequences of deep changes of society in planetary scale, natural cataclysms. At the same time there is a quantum leap in technological transformation of mankind that demands change of essence and content of education on the basis of introduction of innovative information technologies. In the second paragraph it is presented the short characteristic of new school, its substantial filling in aspect of technological changes. Education technologization, on the one hand, provides success of process of individualization and socialization of the child, promotes strengthening of interactive forms of work, on the other hand, remains in “captivity” of a former view of pedagogics as transfer of social experience from the teacher to the child. This movement on development of superficial consciousness of the person which does not provide resistance of the personality to vital obstacles and self-improvement.
The third paragraph is devoted characteristics of the School of the future constructed on the ideas to essentially new pedagogics – consciousness pedagogics. Our era is characterized by emergence of new meanings of existence of the person in the conditions of the changing space, strengthening of metareasonable existence of mankind. The main line of a new era is that our civilization gets back to the idea of the General Welfare based on a synthesis method about inevitability passing of vital tests by mankind for expansion of the consciousness. The new pedagogics of education opens the valuable relation to development of consciousness of the child directed to formation of its superior qualities and abilities based on cultural wealth. This education directed to development and development by the person (child) of the elements of consciousness including: development of spiritual feelings (kindness, justice, firmness, tranquility, courage, etc.) and strong-willed qualities; tendency to the Truth, Love, Beauty (cultural wealth), knowledge of the world and, physical properties of the body, disclosure of creative opportunities, the consciousnesses of the subject determining level for the purpose of its expansion. In the fourth paragraph contents technology of a creative insight as means of implementation of the ideas of pedagogics of consciousness briefly reveals. This technology can be approved in activity of the new Centers of innovative education based on essentially other organizational and administrative structural model and content of activity aimed at development of spiritual consciousness.
Keywords: education technologization, identity, socialization, consciousness pedagogics, superficial consciousness, deep (expanded, spiritual) consciousness.
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