ISSN 2409-7616

A. Shilkina, V. Karpushkin


Alvina Shilkina – candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the department of quality management,FGBOU VO “National Research Mordovian State University. N.P. Ogaryova, (Russia, Saransk), e-mail:, SPIN code: 3616-0871 

Vladimir Karpushkin – student training areas “Quality Management”FGBOU VO “National Research Mordovian State University. N.P. Ogaryova, (Russia, Saransk), e-mail:

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the problems of small business development as the most important component of the market economy. The multi-aspect of the concepts “business”, “small business” is defined. The modern tendencies of development of small business and sources of formation of conditions of its sustainable development are analyzed. The experience of small business development in Europe is presented. The authors stand on the position, which has the following expression: in Russia the development of small business contributes to the creation of new jobs. Small business reacts quickly to the demand of consumers. In the modern conditions of the Russian Federation, the further development of small business is the most important factor for the progressive rise of the national economy, for the democratization of society, for increasing the political weight in the international arena, which will bring the state not only political but also economic dividends. Small enterprises can be created in any sector of the economy in response to unmet needs of the population. Small enterprises serve as stimulators for the development of the national economy, and substantial support for the development of small businesses by the state is a prerequisite for the formation of the world market economy.

Keywords: market economy, small business, medium business, large business competitiveness.


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