I. Erina
Inobat Erina – candidate of Psychological Sciences, associate Professor Department of Psychology of the Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and inclusive education of GPU “KFU im. IN AND. Vernadsky, SPIN: 2960-1896, AuthorID: 919896, e-mail: irinaorbushina@mail.ru, (Russia, Yalta)
Summary. The subject of our study is the formation of effective motivation for the education of adolescents with mild mental retardation. The target of the study is motivation to teach adolescents with mild mental retardation. The goal of our pilot research is to study the gender stereotypes existing in modern society, the resistance and stability of masculine and feminine genders in the public consciousness. To achieve this goal, we have used a compiled author’s questionnaire, consisting of 17 questions (No.1 – No.15 – alternative questions, No. 16, No. 17 – open questions).
The main contribution of the author is the allocation of various external socially significant factors influencing the structure of public opinion which belongs to the traditional gender representativeness, as well as the study of the gender stereotypes’ influence and their stability in the female and male minds.
Keywords: gender stereotypes, social environment, men, women, structure of public opinion, pilot research.
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