ISSN 2409-7616

S. Podzorova


Svetlana Podzorova –  candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Methodology of Elementary Education of the Institute of the Childhood at Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, INDEX-code: 5368-2104, e-mail:, (Russia, Novosibirsk)

Annоtation. This article discusses the theoretical (philosophical, psychological, pedagogical, linguistic) situation of such scholars as Hegel, Mamardashvili, Zienkowski, Halperin etc. applicable to the process of creating a universal educational actions (metasubject) in elementary school based on mastering the younger schoolboys of grammatical (language) concepts. The concept becomes personal for the individual only through the experience of relations with “other”, which is directly connected with interest (motor cognitive activity), current status structure of consciousness. The learner cannot learn any substantive content at the conscious level, if the learner is not already thought the operation would regulate their activities did not communicate during its development. Also content is the semantic field that enables you to develop, implement universal educational training actionable. The trainee, in the process of assimilation of grammatical concepts develops a new action through the unity of the external operations.

Keywords:  elementary school, the concept, the concept of grammatical (language), universal educational actions, consciousness, self-consciousness, reason, the structure of consciousness, action (approximate, performance parts), cognitive activity.


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