L. Mardakhaev
Lev Mardakhaev – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, Head of Department of social pedagogy, Faculty of social work, Russian State Social University, Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russian Federation, Moscow. SPIN- код: 6449-0103; e-mail: mantissa-m@mail.ru
Annotation. The article reveals the essence of socialization through the situation of its development; The concept of the situation, the situation of the phenomenon and the situation of the process. The socializing situation of human development is singled out, as a phenomenon, and as a process. The socializing situation of development as a phenomenon is revealed through a qualitative characteristic of the specificity of the sociality of a particular child (person), the purposeful activity of the child in society, and also the socium in which the child (the socializing environment). The victim’s socializing development situation is singled out and characterized. The socializing development situation as a process is viewed from the point of qualitative and quantitative changes in the sociality of a person under the influence of a certain propeller (certain propulsors) throughout the life cycle or a certain period.
The socializing situation of development is disclosed as a phenomenon from the standpoint of the environment of life activity and the self-manifestation of a minor; constructive experience of educators in creating an enabling environment for upbringing; socializing the situation of the development of a minor as a phenomenon from the standpoint of his purposeful activity in the society; ways, creating a socializing (re-socializing) development situation for the pupil (group).
Keywords: situation, situation of the phenomenon, the situation of the process, sociality and socialization, socializing the situation of human development, as a phenomenon, and as a process.
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