O. Musatova, D. Orlova
Olga Musatova – candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of pedagogy and methods of primary education the Novosibirsk state pedagogical University, (Russia Novosibirsk), RSCI SPIN-code: 7153-1352, e-mail: musatova-o@yandex.ru
Darya Orlova – the student 4 courses of Institute of childhood of Novosibirsk state pedagogical University, (Russia, Novosibirsk), e-mail: dashik–95@list.ru
Summary. The article emphasizes the importance of working with fear of public speaking in primary school children, presents methodological recommendations on identifying the signs and causes of fear of public speaking in children of primary school age, as well as examples of exercises for working with fear.
Keywords: younger school age, fear, fear of public statements.
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