A. Alekseeva
Alina Alekseeva – Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Natural Sciences, Medical and Psychological Education faculty, Pskov State University. RSCI SPIN-code: 9759-170, phone: 8-921-112-59-25, e-mail: Shinkareva-Alina@rambler.ru, (Russia, Pskov)
Abstract. The article defines the place of communicative, intellectual and methological competencies in the professional work of the teacher. We consider the scale of assessment of professional interaction of the teacher with the students in lesson of physics and mathematics. Scale created by the author on the basis of criteria that were isolated V.A. Oganesyan, L.M. Mitina, N.V. Bordovskaya, E.V. Titova. The criteria are the nine competencies that reflect the interaction between teacher and students in the classroom. Psychometric reliability of the scale was tested using the internal consistency of performance studies based on Cronbach`s alpha test; by determining the standards for empirical indicators and integral indicator scale; the test-retest method; by analysis of the frequency distribution by a combined indicator of the scale and frequency distribution analysis of empirical indicators; scale reability was tested using factor analysis. The research leads to the conclusion about the presence in the structure of the professional activity of the future teacher of physics and mathematics of two integral factors – intellectually-communicative and communicative-methodical.
Key words: professional activity, professional competence, intellectually-communicative competence, communicative-methodical competence.
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