T. Kilmashkin
Tatyana Kilmashkin – Doctor of Law, Professor Department of Theory and Sociology of Public Administration, Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, (Russia, Moscow), SPIN code: 3131-9617; E-mail: kilmashkinnf@yandex.ru
Annotation. The article considers the relevance, conceptual provisions, content and essence of management of social conflicts. Proceeding from the assumption that the social crisis is accompanied by stagnation, anomie, turbulence of all systems of society, the author stands on the position of the need to build special social programs in which appropriate strategies and mechanisms are determined on the basis of socio-diagnostic and organizational-managerial analysis. The most important task of a manager of any rank in the management of social conflicts lies in their objective complex structural and dynamic analysis in accordance with accepted goals.
Key words: social conflict, social crisis, conflict management in a narrow sense, conflict management in a broad sense, conditions for effective management of conflicts and crises.
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