A. Ivanov
Alexander Ivanov – professor of department pedagogical, age and social psychology Institute of psychology, sociology and social relations of the Moscow city pedagogical university, (Russia, Moscow), SPIN-код: 2422-2873; e-mail: aivanov7@rambler.ru
Summary. In this article theoretical bases, practical reasons and recommendations of education of the person about development of his consciousness in the conditions of a modern information paradigm of education are provided. In article the reasons of need of emergence of new pedagogics of education, the content of the concept “consciousnesses” of philosophy, psychology and sociology important for new pedagogics reveal; new determination of consciousness, its levels, the purposes and tasks and the intrinsic characteristic of education as development of consciousness of the person is proved; content, technologies, forms of education of the person on development of his consciousness. New education is characterized as forming of qualities, development of knowledge and methods of movement to development of the deep consciousness. In the conclusion conclusions are drawn.
Keywords: education of the person on development of his consciousness, consciousness, expanded consciousness, personal consciousness, small consciousness, low consciousness, extinct consciousness, cultural wealth, spiritual qualities, the education purposes, intellectual, sociocultural, physical, energy training, technologies of education.
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