L. Simionov
Loredana Maria Simionov – Researcher, PhD at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, RomaniaFaculty of Law, Centre for European Studies– Research Department, e-mail: loredana.simionov@uaic.ro
Abstract. Despite several paradigm differences, tensions and challenges that bring back chills from the Cold War times, the EU and Russia cannot escape their cooperation. Being the main geopolitical entities in Europe and sharing borders, neighbours, economic and security concerns, both actors are bound to continue and develop their relations. Isolationism is out of the question in the current globalised and interconnected world. Thus, the current article offers a general outlook at the factors and characteristic which will always define their interaction and which will subsequently force EU and Russia into cooperating. The research is based on a theoretical framework defined by two main concepts: proximity and complementarity.
Keywords: EU, Russia, complementarity, proximity, cooperation.
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