ISSN 2409-7616

Lopoukha A.D., Lopoukha T.L.



UDC 37.017.4

Lopoukha A.D.1 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Lopoukha T.L.1 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:

1Novosibirsk Higher Military School

Abstract. The article analyzes the essence and means of conducting “hybrid war”, which present new requirements for the Russian system of military education. Under the new conditions, the main blows by Russia’s geopolitical opponents are delivered primarily in the sphere of public consciousness. By changing it, as the experience of the destruction of the USSR shows, it is possible to win without a “hot” stage of the war. In modern conditions, the role of the education system is increasing as an institution for the upbringing of new generations capable of responding to the challenges of the 21st century. It is rather difficult to do this in conditions when the possibilities of pedagogical science are seriously undermined in the course of liberal reforms. At present, in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military-political bodies have been created that organize the military-political education of servicemen, work is underway to create departments in military universities to train officers for military-political work. Formation of ideological and value foundations is especially important for their successful activity. This article suggests possible solutions to this problem. The authors are deeply convinced that the formation of the ideological, value and scientific foundations of the national system of military education in modern Russia, in a difficult world political situation, requires, first of all, the involvement of a wide range of the Russian scientific community and experienced pedagogues in this important work. Its leadership should be taken up by the scientific structures of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, including the Main Directorate of Combat Training and the Main Military-Political Directorate. The work itself should be systemic, comprehensive and purposeful.

Keywords: ideological and value foundations, scientific foundations, military education, hybrid war.


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For citation:

Lopoukha A.D., Lopoukha T.L. Formation of ideo-value and scientific foundations of military education in Russia. CITISE, 2021, no. 3, pp.137-148. DOI: