ISSN 2409-7616

Shlyapina S. F.



UDC 378.046.4

Shlyapina S. F.1 (Tyumen, Russian Federation) – E-mail:

1Tyumen State University

Abstract. The article presents the results of advanced training of teachers of higher education. The article shows that the use of digital educational resources in the educational process increases its quality. Digitalization of education requires the expansion of digital competencies of teachers. The article presents the experience of professional development of teachers. The author considers such concepts as e-learning, distance learning technologies, electronic educational resources. As a result of the study, conclusions are drawn about the need to expand the digital competencies of teachers. This reduces skepticism about the use of distance technologies and e-learning to solve pedagogical goals, and improves the quality of education.

Keywords: Digital Education for Teachers, E-learning, Electronic Educational Resources.


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For citation:

Shlyapina S. F. Improving the quality of methodological support of educational process through skills upgrading of scientific-pedagogical workers. CITISE, 2021, no. 1, pp.163-172. DOI: