ISSN 2409-7616

A. Chuvilina



Anna E. Chuvilina –Methodist, state budgetary professional educational institution “Sakhalin technical school of service”, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russian Federation, E-mail:

Abstract. This article aims to analyze various aspects of the concept of tutor support in the context of the formation of environmental competence of a university student. A peculiarity of the research carried out is the determination of innovative and productive conditions and means of implementing environmental education in higher education. Based on the idea of the importance of organizing environmental and vocational education based on the use of active and practical-oriented teaching tools and technologies, the author turns to the analysis of tutor support, which allows the student to act as an initiative subject who performs personally and socially significant activities aimed at meaningful solving environmental problems and improving the state of the environment.This study is based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the aspects of the organization of environmental education in higher education, as well as the problem of the formation of tutor support at the stage of professionalization. Research methods: method of analysis, generalization, synthesis and systematization, scientific justification of facts. The author denotes the principles of the tutor form of interaction between the teacher and the student, the essence of the position of the tutor and tutor support of the process of forming the environmental competence of future specialists. Support, support, facilitation are considered as effective forms of tourism. Explaining the importance of the openness of the educational and socio-cultural space, within which environmental competence is formed, the author lists the forms and technologies of work, as well as key aspects of tutor support in the framework of the formation of environmental competence of university students. As a result of the study, the problem of tutor support in the context of the formation of environmental competence of a university student was analyzed. The author concludes that the prospect of using tutor is due to the possibility of implementing a personal education strategy and the variability of applying various resources of the socio-cultural environment based on the student’s own potential and substantive aspects of the main activity.

Keywords: personal trajectory of development, support, maintenance, tutor, tutoring, fasilitation, formation of ecological competence.


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For citation:

Chuvilina A.E. Tutor support in the process of building environmental competence of future specialists. CITISE, 2020, no. 4, pp.250-259. DOI: