ISSN 2409-7616

E. Sharova



Elena I. Sharova – The candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior lecturer, Adygea State University (AGU), Maykop, Russian Federation, ORCID: 0000-0003-0043-0345, E-mail:

Abstract. The article is devoted to the theoretical substantiation of the distance education model, which under certain conditions can be implemented globally (on the territory of a country, district or region), as well as as the only one possible. The study was based on the scientific provisions, concepts and theory of researchers involved in the development of distance education, as well as analysis of the practice of using e-learning and distance technologies in a pandemic. A mobilization model of distance education based on the mobilization of all types of resources of educational organizations, united into virtual educational clusters, is proposed. Organizationally, the mobilization model is a system of interrelated elements (clusters) that ensure its functioning and stability in the context of e-learning and distance technologies, including in the absence of the possibility of using other education models in certain circumstances. The definition of the educational cluster as a group of universities and other structures included in them, complementary to each other and strengthening their potential, both individually and as a whole, is given. A virtual educational cluster exists under certain conditions and disappears when these conditions disappear. The centers of virtual educational clusters and their “satellites” are described. The scheme of interaction of educational organizations with the delineation of powers in the educational process and the distribution of resources (vertical of the virtual educational cluster) is presented. The distance education model is also described as a set, the elements of which are various distance learning models. The characteristics of the model’s properties are given: emergence, egressivity, flexibility, dynamism, variability, safety. The conditions for achieving the quality of distance education in the context of the implementation of the mobilization model are described.

Keywords: education model, distance education model, distance learning model, mobilization model, educational cluster.


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For citation:

Sharova E.I. Mobilization model of remote education. CITISE, 2020, no. 3, pp.265-277. DOI: