ISSN 2409-7616

L. Starovoitova, E. Arishina, D. Khamzina



Larisa I. Starovoitova – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Department of Social work, FSBEI HE “Russian State Social University”, Moscow, Russian Federation, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8660-4101, E-mail:

Elina S. Arishina – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Department of Metallurgy and Standardization of the branch in Beloretsk, FSBEI of HE “Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosova”, Magnitogorsk, Russian Federation, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7995-3792, E-mail:

Dilya R. Khamzina – PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Director of the branch in Beloretsk, FSBEI of HE “Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosova ”, Magnitogorsk, Russian Federation, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6185-2405, E-mail:

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of conducting disciplines of the psychological-pedagogical and humanitarian cycle in accordance with the requirements of the Federal state educational standard of higher education. Special attention is paid to the comparative analysis of competencies formed during the implementation of professional training programs in the following areas: 39.03.02 “Social work”, 22.03.02 “Metallurgy”, 13.03.02 “Electric power and electrical engineering”, and 44.03.01 “Pedagogical education”. For example, the experimental work, the authors describe General cultural and General professional competencies that are formed in practical classes of disciplines: “Introduction in Profession”, “Theory and Practice of Social Interaction”, “Psychology of Business Relations”, “Ethical Foundations of Social Work”, “Ethics and Culture Professional Activity”, “Sociology”, “Cultural Science”, “Psychology and Pedagogy of Personal and Professional Self-development” and “Technology of Team Building and Self-development”, “Psychology”, “Pedagogy”, “Advancement of Scientific Production», as well as in the process of implementing the professional development program “Education of a Professional”. The essence of forming the value attitude of University students to professional activity is to update the personal and activity levels of readiness for the profession of the future graduate. The requirements presented by the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education for the professional readiness of a university graduate, and their implementation in the formation of the value attitude of university students to professional activities in the process of conducting a cycle of humanitarian and psychological-pedagogical disciplines; the essence and structural content of the value relationship of university students to professional activities are determined; The features of conducting experimental work on the formation of the value attitude of students to professional activities at social, pedagogical and technical universities that provide professional training for bachelors, specialists and undergraduates are disclosed.

Keywords: value attitude, professional activity, readiness for a profession, activity, competence, professional and personal development of a student, Social University, Pedagogical University, Technical University, higher professional education.



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For citation:

Starovoitova L.I., Arishina E. S., Khamzina D. R. Formation of value attitude of students of social, pedagogical and technical universities to professional activity. CITISE, 2020, no. 2, pp. 160-169. DOI: