ISSN 2409-7616

M. Romanova, I. Kulgachev



Marianna M. Romanova – PhD (Economics) Associate professor, Associate professor, Hospitality Tourism and sports Department, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation, E-mail:

Ivan P. Kulgachev – PhD (Philosophy) Associate professor, Associate professor, Head of the Department of tourism, Moscow state Institute of physical culture, sports and tourism th. Yu. A. Senkevich,  Moscow, Russian Federation, E-mail:

Abstract. Tourism is one of the most dynamically developing sectors of the economy with high risks. The tourism industry is a sector with a high degree of risk is influenced both by factors external and internal environment. Risk in the economy refers to the probability (threat) of an enterprise losing part of its resources, not receiving income, or incurring additional expenses as a result of its activities. Currently, the most relevant for the tourism industry are external threats related to geopolitical and international events. In this regard, organizations of the tourism industry need to anticipate and analyze risks, both in the country and in the world. Thus, the terrorist threat and the ban on air travel between Russia and Georgia (June – October 2019) led to the cancellation of tours to Georgia. The record warm winter in 2019/2020 reduced winter tourism (inbound and domestic) in Central Russia to” zero”. The spread of coronavirus first in China, and then around the world negatively affects not only tourism, but also the entire world economy.  The scientific literature mostly presents developments that take into account the impact of tourism on the economy. The study reflects aspects of the dependence of different types of tourism on risks, as well as techniques and methods for reducing the risk level.

Keywords: tourism, hospitality industry, tour operators, risks, risk factors, external and internal risk factors, risk reduction methods, coronovirus.



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For citation:

Romanova M.M., Kulgachev I.P. Risk profile in tourism. CITISE, 2020, no. 2, pp. 123-134. DOI: