ISSN 2409-7616

A. Shilkina



Alvina T. Shilkina – PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Quality Management, National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russian Federation, E-mail:

Abstract.  Currently, risk management issues are relevant for all organizations operating in a market economy. This is due to the fact that risk factors are present in all areas of activity, and proper identification, analysis, risk assessment, adoption of appropriate managerial decisions are one of the main conditions affecting the competitiveness and sustainable development of the company. In modern economic science, risk management as a new paradigm of strategic management has appeared relatively recently. From the mid-70s to the end of the 90s, there was a fragmented, highly specialized approach to risk management, according to which the structural units of the organization independently solved problems in the field of risk management based on their functions. In the framework of this approach, risk assessments were heterogeneous, there was no possibility of their comparison, which led to the complexity of the analysis and integration of the results at the enterprise level. The changes in views on risk management problems in the mid-90s led to the formation of a new risk management model that comprehensively considers the risks of all departments and areas of the organization and allows you to get comparable estimates for all types of risk. In world practice, one of the most recognized mechanisms for integrating risk management into the organization’s activities is the requirements of ISO 31000: 2009 “Risk management. Principles and Guidelines ”, allowing to effectively integrate risk management into the existing management system by implementing the principles, infrastructure and risk management process.

Keywords: risk, risk management, risk management, management system, requirements of ISO 31000: 2009



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For citation:

Shilkina A.T. Scientific and methodological approaches to the content of the risk-management category. CITISE, 2019, no. 5, pp. 214-224. DOI: