ISSN 2409-7616

A. Ivanov



Alexander V. Ivanov – Professor, Department of pedagogical, age and social psychology, Institute of psychology, sociology and social relations, Moscow city pedagogical University, Moscow, Russian Federation, SPIN code: 2422-2873, E-mail:

Abstract. The relevance of the study is due to the interest of the pedagogical community to the problem of cooperation of children in the team, to identify the essence and content of this concept, its significance in the spiritual and social development of man, methods of helping adolescents in the development of ways of cooperation in the process of their development. In this regard, this article aims to reveal the theoretical foundations and practical mechanisms of cooperation in the children’s team as a means of development of children in the context of pedagogy of consciousness. The leading approaches to the study of this problem are systemic, social, personal-activity and cultural approaches, which allow to consider the problem of cooperation in the children’s collective in the pedagogy of consciousness. The article presents the essence and content of the concept of “cooperation”, “children’s team” in the psychological and pedagogical literature and pedagogy of consciousness, the conceptual foundations of cooperation in the children’s team, forms and methods of development identified in the course of empirical research. The article reveals the key provisions of conceptual approaches to the development of cooperation in the children’s team in the process of spiritual and social development of a person, characterizing cooperation as a person’s quality, as a condition and mechanism of development, creating an atmosphere of development and self-improvement and overcoming negative phenomena. The author reveals the method of participatory design and its practical application in educational institutions. The content of the development of cooperation in the children’s team, tasks and results are considered. The experience of developing cooperation in diverse communities is presented, the method of participatory design and its practical application, the results of diagnostics based on the results of experimental work are disclosed. The materials of the article are of practical value for researchers of problems of education, students, teachers of schools.  

Keywords: cooperation, community, children’s collective, spiritual qualities, pedagogy of cooperation, methods of cooperation.



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For citation:

Ivanov A.V. Development of cooperation in children’s collective as a modern pedagogical problem. CITISE, 2019, no. 5, pp. 405-417. DOI: