ISSN 2409-7616

D. Suslov, T. Lopukha,


Dmitry V. Suslov – Candidate of Military Sciences, Head of the Department of  Tactics Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School (Russia, Novosibirsk), SPIN-code: 8467-4588, E-mail:

Tatyana L. Lopukha – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head Department of Humanities and Socio-Economic  disciplines of the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command schools (Russia, Novosibirsk), SPIN-code 1799-8692, E-mail:

Abstract. The article substantiates the need for the formation of conceptual foundations for the development of the Russian military education system in modern conditions. Such a need arose in the post-Soviet period in connection with the abandonment of the former ideological and theoretical guidelines. This problem has common roots with the education system of Russia, which determines the direction of work of all subsystems of a lower level. In military education, its importance is actualized by the inability to conduct professional education of officers in the absence of its ideological and axiological foundations. A sequence of formation and content of conceptual guidelines for the development of military education, a model of its development, and a systemic essence are substantiated. The structural content of the military education system is substantiated. Particular attention in the development of the system is paid to the quality and content of educational activities, environments and management. The authors believe that in modern conditions, its mechanisms and hierarchy, new approaches based on synergetics and design forms, and real quality management based on modern standards can become promising subjects for research. At the same time, research should be extended both to the external (strategic level) of management, and to the control subsystems of the military educational institutions themselves (operational and tactical levels). The development of conceptual foundations for the development of the military education system of Russia in the 21st century is capable, like the roadmaps of the strategic level of development of social systems of Russia, to make it successful, in line with the challenges of our time.

Keywords: military education system, conceptual framework, the content of military education.



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