ISSN 2409-7616

E. Savchik, A. Savchik,


Elena N. Savchik – Cand. Sc., docent, associate professor at the Department of quality management, standardization and documentat management, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology  (Russia, Krasnoyarsk), E-mail:

Andrey N. Savchik – Master’s student of the Department of quality management, standardization and documentat management, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology (Russia, Krasnoyarsk), E-mail:

Abstract. The modern development of the trade industry is characterized by increasing competitive environment as well as high consumer requirements for the quality of the goods supplied and provision of services in general. That leads to the need for companies to find new development mechanisms in the field of quality management. Therefore, the goal of this study is to determine the approaches to the implementation of the quality management system into a trade company. The article supports the importance of implementing the quality management system into the company’s activities, aimed at providing continuous improvement of the quality of services and, consequently, increasing customer satisfaction as well as other interested parties. This will increase business efficiency and take a stable position in the market. The statistical data in the field of implementation of quality management systems in the global and industry profiles are considered in the article, as well as the reasons of the decline in the certification of these systems. The analysis of the compliance of the trading company’s activities with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 has been carried out and inconsistencies have been identified. In order to eliminate the inconsistencies, we have proposed a general scheme and made recommendations on the development and implementation of the quality management system, including the process of internal audit. The implementation of these proposals will allow the company to improve the management system and make it more “transparent” for management and for other interested parties (if necessary).

Keywords: quality management system, internal audit, trade company, process, efficiency, ISO standards.



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