ISSN 2409-7616

E. Gureeva


Elena A. Gureeva – PhD in economics, Leader researcher, Depaptment hospitality,  tourism and sports industry, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Russia, Moscow), ORCID 4823897, E-mail:

Abstract. The article discusses the development potential of ethnosport in the regions of Russia. Objective: to identify the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which with the smallest investment investments could become the key platforms for the development of ethnosport and the holding of traditional games and ethnosport events. Methods: the forecast is based on the results of the All-Russian poll on the topic “Citizens’ readiness to increase the costs of holding national holidays”, as well as official data of the state authorities on the main indicators affecting the development of the market for sports events.  Results: the study revealed that conducting ethnosport events has a positive effect on the development of the region in terms of improving image, preserving cultural and historical traditions and increasing the tourist attractiveness of the region, however, it is necessary to observe the conditions for minimizing the costs of such events. In conclusion, the rating of the subjects of the Russian Federation with the greatest potential in the development of ethnosport is given. Based on the results obtained in the course of the study, the author offered recommendations on the use of the potential of ethnosport events as a catalyst for the development of domestic tourism and the formation of territorial branding. The results of the study can serve as a basis for regional socio-cultural design of national holidays.

Keywords: willingness to pay, sociocultural design, folk holidays, traditional games, ethnosport, economics of traditional games and folk holidays.



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