ISSN 2409-7616

Nina D. Berman


Nina D. Berman – Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer Science Faculty of Computer and Basic Sciences, Pacific State University (Russia, Khabarovsk), ORCID: 0000-0002-3573-048X, E-mail:

Abstract. Computers and smart devices are used in all industries, from engineering to medicine. The role of digital technologies in the education and life of modern man is increasing. Modern schoolchildren and students become independent in the search for information, its meaningful perception, in solving non-standard and creative tasks using computers. Methods of working on a computer began to influence people’s thinking processes. Computational thinking has become the core concept of the digital age. At the current stage of human development, it is considered as an important competence, since today’s students will not only begin to work in areas that are affected by computer technology, but also use computer technology in their daily lives. Computational thinking is necessary for the effective use of computer devices, contributes to the development of personality in our rapidly developing world. The purpose of this study is to examine the practical definition of computational thinking and its components for their development in students. The study is based on the analysis of scientific and pedagogical work of foreign and Russian scientists. The concept of “computational thinking”, elements of computational thinking (abstraction, decomposition, generalization, algorithms) are analyzed in scientific and applied aspects. The use of such thinking in the educational process will allow students to solve problems and tasks to perceive various information creatively and systematically.

Keywords: computational thinking, abstraction, algorithms, decomposition, generalization, computer science, digital technologies, information and communication technologies.



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