ISSN 2409-7616

V. Vinichenko


Vera A. Vinichenko – candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of advertising and public relations Northeastern Federal University (Russia, Yakutsk), E-mail:

Abstract. International activities of the North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosova is strategically significant in addressing the issue of entering the world educational space. This is one of the priorities of the modern university, aimed at improving the competitiveness of its educational services that meet European standards and have a positive response abroad. In general, the Yakut University actively develops and implements international educational programs, increases the number of participants in academic exchange, conduct joint research, participates in the activities of international organizations, effectively implements educational, research and technical projects, organizes conferences and seminars. The purpose of the article is to determine the characteristics of the international activities of this university, as well as the formulation of proposals for its development and improvement. The monitoring results showed that there are two main areas for establishing relations with foreign countries: the Asia-Pacific and the Arctic. Recently, European universities have been actively involved. The number of “academically mobile” students and teachers is growing, as is the share of foreign students in the total number of students, despite the specific geographical location and extreme climate. It is possible to interest potential students from other countries using various recruiting methods. In order to improve efficiency, we propose to develop a Concept of international activities, which should become the basis, a significant guideline in the work, as well as present the prospects and strategy of the university at the international level. In addition, in order to further strengthen partnerships, we recommend using additional forms of cooperation aimed at developing the international activities of this university.

Keywords: International, Arctic, foreign, federal university, educational program, cooperation, mobility, project.



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