ISSN 2409-7616

A. Proskurov


Artem K. Proskurov – head of the orchestra – military conductor FGKVOU VPO “the Perm military Institute of national guard troops of the Russian Federation»(Russia, Perm), E-mail:

Abstract. The article deals with the concept of artistic and creative activity of musicians of military orchestras in concert and drill activities. Defines the basic skills of musicians on the compilation of plot plats-concerts, combining musical performances and movements, the analysis of these performances, with the aim of eliminating the mistakes. On the basis of these skills, stages of the methodology for the formation of artistic and creative activity of musicians of military orchestras are proposed. At the first stage – motivational design, the task of which is the formation of skills to create the plot of the parade ground concert; at the second stage – technical and performing, including three sub-stages on the first – musical and performing solved the problem of improving musical and performing knowledge, skills; at the second stage – motor and performing, solved the problem of forming the skills of combining movement and performance on musical instruments; at the third stage – artistic and performing, solved the problem of forming the ability to implement the content of the parade ground concert; at the third stage – reflexive-evaluative, the task of which is the formation of skills to analyze performances at the parade ground.

Keywords: artistic and creative activity, concert-marching activity, military orchestra, military musician, Orchestrator, methods of training military musicians.



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