ISSN 2409-7616

Z. Soboleva


Zhanna S. Soboleva – The senior teacher of Chinese language chair, Faculty of foreign languages Novosibirsk State
Pedagogical University (Russia, Novosibirsk), SPIN-code: 1108-9523, E-mail:

Abstract. This paper presents the essence and structure of the concept of listening and pronunciation skills.” A brief methodological review of this skill development is given. The content of the stages of learning the listening and pronunciation skills of students learning a foreign language is revealed. Within the framework of this paper, the author most closely dwells on the peculiarities of listening and pronunciation development skills at the initial stage, this stage is the key to the proper development of auditive and pronunciation skills, determining the further quality of learning a foreign language. For the most in-depth consideration of listening and pronunciation skills development, the main typological features of the Chinese language, such as the syllable structure of the language, the presence of tones, intone, etc., are offered for consideration. The author examines in detail the stages one of the basic methodological principles of teaching Chinese language, offering a solution to the problem of the impossibility of the correct sound of Chinese speech by a non-native speaker. It focuses on the independent development of listening and pronunciation skills by students. Summing up the research, it offers a clear phased structure for the study and consolidation of new phonetic material, as well as the subsequent development of hearing and pronunciation skills and their further development to automatism at later stages of learning Chinese.

Keywords: listening and pronunciation skills, Chinese language, stages of the listening and pronunciation skills development, phonetics, articulation.



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