ISSN 2409-7616

O. Nehaeva, A. Borisova


Olga G. Nehaeva – Candidate of Philology, Senior Lecturer, Voronezh State Technical University (Russia, Voronezh), E-mail:

Aleksandra A. Borisova – Bachelor, Voronezh State Technical University (Russia, Voronezh), E-mail:

Abstract. The article presents an analysis of the use of communicative method of teaching in the study of English. The advantages of the business game to improve the linguistic and communicative competence of students in the framework of professional and business vocabulary and the development of oral and written language skills are described. Business game is considered on the example of negotiations, as this type of communication helps to improve the skills of comprehensive processing of information in a foreign language, mastering the economic and financial terminology at the level of their active use, improve the level of knowledge of professionally-oriented foreign language.

Keywords: business game, communicative method, negotiation skills, English.



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