ISSN 2409-7616

N. Dubiv, G. Nelaeva, I. Solovyova


Nadezhda V. Dubiv – PhD in Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, Head of Georg Wilhelm Center, Tyumen State University (Russia, Tyumen), E-mail:

Galina A. Nelaeva – PhD in Political Science, Professor, Department of Modern History and World Politics, Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities, Tyumen State University (Russia, Tyumen), E-mail:

Inna V. Solovyova – PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Head of German Philology Department, Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities, Tyumen State University (Russia, Tyumen), E-mail:

Abstract. With the introduction in 2015 of the second foreign language (FL2) as a mandatory subject in Russian schools, the need to train the teachers became apparent. In Russia’s regional centers, outside of big cities like Moscow and St-Petersburg, Universities often became the venues where teacher training programs were developed and offered to high school teachers. The article examines teacher training programs for German language high school teachers organized in 2016-2018 at Tyumen State University under the auspices of Goethe Institute Moscow. By conducting questionnaires and in-depth interviews, we seek to explore how exactly such programs are organized and run, and how they are viewed by the participants. We hope to contribute to the debate on the specifics of FL2 instruction in Russia as well as problems and prospects of teacher training programs.

Key words: German as a second language, Goethe Institute, teacher training.



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