ISSN 2409-7616

T. Tsalko


Tatiana V. Tsalko – Ph. D, of economic Sciences, of the Department “Management, marketing and Commerce at Omsk State Transport University (Russia, Omsk), E-mail:

Abstract. In article the role of use of digital technologies when holding polls on the Internet is considered. The author’s position in need of use of information and communication technologies for market researches. In article digitalization assessment indicators for understanding of an entity, relevance and scales of use in marketing are systematized. The author provides several statistical data of digital economy. He wishes to connect digitalization and development of the market. The author developed also display in article model of use of information and communication technologies holding marketing online poll. In model information and communication exchange between internal and external consumers of marketing information by means of information technologies and the systems of global and local networks is shown. The author writes that software integration of the organization with opportunities of the Internet will accelerate process of collecting marketing data and will increase effect of marketing solutions.

Keywords: digitalization, digital economy, information and communication technologies, market researches, online poll, the ICT model in market researches, network.



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