ISSN 2409-7616

V. Evseev


Vadim O. Evseev – The doctor of economic sciences, professor Faculties politics and sociology, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Member of the scientific Council of ISPI RAS, RSCI SPIN-code: 3997-1213 (Russia, Moscow), E-mail:

Annotation. Annotation. The main issue of the study is the analysis and modification of the model of expanded reproduction of Karl Marx based on the requirements of today: strengthening its class orientation. Currently, the Marx model, as it went by the wayside and lost its economic and political innovation and relevance. It should be noted that the level of scientific abstraction inherent in the model K. Marx, allows it to be modified in the direction of the inclusion of new system components affecting the total social product: increasing productivity of labor and the shadow economy / corruption.  The aim of the study is to identify the possibility of “introduction” into the model of expanded production of new components that are system-forming for all social formations: the parameters of scientific and technological progress, through the indicator of increasing productivity and the indicator of corruption associated with the withdrawal from the economic system/model of financial resources. The method of simulation modeling with its ability to generate random numbers with the given parameters Results was chosen as a mathematical computer. Methods of computational mathematics in Excel built a modified simulation model of extended reproduction of Marx which includes new components: corruption and productivity. Advanced vosproizvel-tion is modeled on the temporary stage in the 21st period. In the dialog mode, the user himself sets the coefficients of accumulation and consumption, the coefficients of corruption, and also the coefficients of productivity increase. The model calculates the number of released workers / unemployed and their attitude to the socio-political system: from “all is calm” to Pro-test manifestations.  The coefficient of management efficiency is calculated by deviations of the “true-false” criteria. Graphic information is given for each sphere of production: the sphere of production and the sphere of consumption. Conclusions: the proposed simulation model allows to play different reproduction strategies: from development strategies to crisis strategies and requirements “change of government” or “change of political regime”. The model also confirmed the possibility of a development option, when the reproduction, taking into account the increase in labor productivity, meets all the criteria of balanced reproduction at all 21 time stages, but the number of released workers/unemployed, requires political changes. The model contributes to the formation of socio-economic and socio-political class competences in the interactive mode.

Keywords: Karl Marx, model of expanded reproduction, total social product, reproduction criteria, increase of labor productivity, corruption, efficiency of management decisions, simulation modeling, unemployment, standard of living, class contradictions, change of government, change of political regime.



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