ISSN 2409-7616

O. Volenko, L. Ovchinnikova


Olga I. Volenko – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Educational and Scientific Center for Priority Studies and Problems of the Training of Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, (Russia, Moscow); Spin Code: 4689-9412; Е-mail:

Lyudmila K.  Ovchinnikova – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Solosinging of the vocal faculty of the Moscow State Institute of Culture, Honoredcultural worker of Russia, (Russia, Moscow); Email: dsolo @ pstgu. ru

Annotation. The article deals with issues related to the solution of the most important tasks of the modern education system – the formation of a child’s abilities to be a creator of new values, which, according to the authors, will allow him to achieve success in various activities. The following are highlighted and commented: the socio-pedagogical conditions for the effective organization of children’s creative activities; phases of personal development that must be considered when organizing any activity with a child; a necessary set of personality traits that must be formed in a creative child. The authors stand on the position that in pedagogical systems, the effectiveness of preparing a child for creative activity in general depends on the level of organization of the educational process, which is achieved by all the teaching staff of an educational organization only on a creative basis. The pedagogical approach to the personality of the child should be built, first of all, from the standpoint of its individuality and exclusivity, and at the same time, take into account the principle of collectivism and dialogue.

Key words: creative activity, social and pedagogical conditions, spiritual and material values, personal development, children of younger adolescence.



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