ISSN 2409-7616

G. Rakisheva


Gulmira M. Rakisheva – doctoral student of philosophy (PhD), 6D012300 – Social pedagogy and self-knowledge, Eurasian National University behalf of L.N. Gumilev (Astana, Kazakhstan); E-mail:

 Annotation. The questions concerning: globalization of the modern world community are considered; socio-cultural situation in modern Kazakhstan, its prospects for social development; political analysis of interethnic tolerance; the need to justify national values ​​on the basis of universal human values, to develop the foundations for a cultural dialogue between the West and the East; the role of constructive cooperation between higher education systems of different countries, etc. On a large historical and modern theoretical material, the author defines the sources of those current trends in the world community that today determine its development. He comes to the conclusion that modern trends and processes lead to changes in the behavior of man in relation not only to nature, but also to the relationship of people, which is a huge step forward to building a new civilization. He believes that the world processes influence all the processes of Kazakhstani society, which urgently needs the adoption of transcultural education. This will allow to develop the integral self-consciousness of every person in Kazakhstani society in conditions of a real dialogue / polylogue of equal cultures. It is the formation of a transcultural personality that will be a kind of trigger mechanism for the transformation of the “I”, which in turn will give impetus to the education of the conscious freedom of each learner and adequate means of its self-expression.

Key words: transculture, globalization, the world community, innovative transformations, humanitarian education, integral worldview.


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