ISSN 2409-7616

A. Egorychev, A. Akhtian, A. Kretinin


Alexander M. Egorychev – doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor social pedagogy and organization of work with youth, Russian State Social University (Russia, Moscow), E-mail:

Anna G. Akhtian – candidate of pedagogical sciences, head of department of organization Research activities of the Research Institute of Advanced Directions and Technologies,
Russian State Social University (Russia, Moscow), E-mail:

Alexander S. Kretinin – CEO, Chairman of the Board Center for Innovative Technologies and social expertise “(Russia, Moscow), E-mail:

Annotation. The article deals with the following issues: the essence and content of the pedagogical phenomenon of the environment, the historical foundations of its study, the relationship between the individual and the surrounding environment are revealed, and her role in the upbringing of the younger generation is demonstrated. The authors identify and explain the increased interest of researchers to the phenomenon of the environment, its role and significance in the organization of the educational process in the system of national education. Various environmental theories and concepts existing in modern pedagogical science are presented, which are developed with varying degrees of scientific validity, practical applicability, to varying degrees ensuring the solution of the relevant issues of the research problem. Analysis of the concept of “environment”, existing in the domestic science of concepts, approaches and theories relating to the educational environment, allowed the authors to come to the conclusion that the pedagogical environment is characterized by stable processes realized as integrated pedagogical innovations and traditions. Processes depend on internal and external factors that influence their content, where innovation becomes a tradition, tradition can become an innovation under certain conditions. This concept is relevant for determining the role of educators and teachers in the development of the cultural environment of the educational organization, its components, essential characteristics and development mechanisms.

Key words: environment, sociocultural environment, educational environment, education environment, social pedagogy, social space.


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