ISSN 2409-7616

R. Kalimzhanova


Rosa L. Kalimzhanova – doctoral student of philosophy (PhD), 6D012300 – Social pedagogy and self-knowledge, Eurasian National University behalf of L.N. Gumilev (Kazakhstan, Astana); E-mail:

Annotation. The issues related to the phenomena “culture” and “education”, their role in human development, its formation are considered. An analysis of the development of speech and speech culture in the Ancient World (from the II millennium BC to the first centuries of Christianity): Ancient East, Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient India, China, Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire, which, in the author’s opinion, gave mankind invaluable experience and influenced the further development of the phenomena of “culture” and “education” in later times. In his research the author stands on the position, which is expressed in the following thesis: education and culture are the leading factors of social progress and development of human civilization. This allows us to assert that culture and education as phenomena of the society, developing organically and in unity, are transformed into different types of personality cultures: speech, information, pedagogical, aesthetic, research, communication, etc.). It is at a certain level and type of speech culture that the unity of education and culture is reflected. In his study, the author comes to the conclusion that speech culture is an indicator of the integral development of the personality, its dominant. educational space in society, contributes to the formation of the personality of a highly educated and cultured person and today is a strategically significant task for any state. Possession of speech culture (as the dominant of the structural component of the integral development of the personality) is an indicator of an effective human activity. As a conclusion: the problem of the correlation, synchronous development and organic unity of the phenomena of “culture” and “education”, the ways of their connection and transformation into various types of culture, the creation of a cultural and educational space in society, contributes to the formation of the personality of a highly educated and cultured person and is today a strategically important the task of any state.

Key words: culture, society, speech culture, education, information, synchronous development, culturological paradigm.



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