ISSN 2409-7616

A. Ivanov


Aleksandr V. Ivanov – professor of department pedagogical, age and social psychology Institute of psychology, sociology and social relations of the Moscow city pedagogical university (Russia, Moscow); e-mail:

Annotation. In article history of formation of pedagogics of the social environment as theoretical as areas of knowledge of social pedagogics, the interrelation of cultural wealth and their influence on cultural development, interrelation of culture, Wednesday and education, the cultural environment in the context of a cultural paradigm of education, conceptual provisions of a problem of development of the cultural environment of the general education organization, a phenomenon of the cultural environment of school as type of the social environment, its structure, regularities and the principles, stages and mechanisms of development are considered. The author comes to the conclusion that spiritual values determine the quality of the cultural environment of the school. In the cultural environment of the school unique relationships are created, built in the process of communication and interaction of its subjects, based on assistance and support, coded in the symbols of the institution, its traditions. These relations influence the development of the best human qualities and abilities, in demand not only for the prosperity of society, but also in the process of planetary evolution.

Keywords: pedagogics of the social environment, the cultural environment of the educational organization, cultural wealth – truth, love and beauty, the social environment, regularities, the principles.


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