ISSN 2409-7616

I. Leskova


Irina Leskova – doctor of sociological Sciences, Professor, Department of sociology Russian state social University, (Russia, Moscow), RISC PIN: 9055-9671 (ORCHID ID: 0000-0001-6083-6692), e-mail:

Annotation. The article discusses the conceptual approaches to the study and understanding of the essence of electoral behavior of citizens; analyzes the evolution and current state of social demands in modern Russia; characterizes the current problem situation in a multicultural world. An attempt was made to determine the most advantageous on today’s strategic line of work with the electorate. It is emphasized that the peculiarity of the current moment – in a specific combination of the society’s requests and the current problem situation, understood not only as a number of contradictions, but also requiring, if not immediate resolution, at least, an understanding of the causes of their occurrence. It is emphasized that the success of work with the electorate, in many respects, will be due to the extent to which political parties or individual candidates will be able to take into account and/or use, or – to beat in their electoral rhetoric the specifics of the current problem situation in society, combined with an understanding of the formed to date public requests. The purpose of the article is to characterize the current state of society and power in Russia, to bring some principles of success with the domestic electorate, taking into account existing public demands.

Key words: quality of life, electoral behavior, public inquiry, human potential, political and state power, the human development index.


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