ISSN 2409-7616

A. Sarbalaev


Albert Sarbalaev – director of an autonomous non-profit organizationassistance to orphans who find themselves in a difficult life situation”We need each other”, Master of the Faculty of State Management MSU behalf M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow, Russia), E-MAIL:

 Abstract. In the article the main aspects of the socio-psychological and personal problems of orphans raised in boarding schools are analyzed. The author identifies the main factors contributing to the socio-psychological problems of orphans in residential institutions, this is primarily the deviant behavior of an orphaned child because the child was deprived of the first place, the family environment, which was expressed in the form of early deprivation informal communication with adults – for example, as a “lack of parental affection”, elemental parental attention, caring, love, and sometimes even (in a comparable manner) parental punishment. The author of the publication illustrates the hierarchical structure of social problems of orphans who are at the borderline between the house (biological family) and boarding school. General conclusions are drawn on this study. The bill also proposes to make changes that allow to purchase residential premises for orphans and persons from among them from individuals who own these premises by conducting a request for proposals. This will optimize the timing of the competitive procedures and the conclusion of the state contract and provide such persons with dwelling in a timely manner.

Keywords: orphans and children left without parental care, socio-psychological and personal problems of orphans brought up in boarding schools, socialization and social adaptation in a residential setting, deviant behavior of a teenager.


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