ISSN 2409-7616

E. Burdenko


Elena BurdenkoCandidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of political economy and economic history of science Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education, RSCI SPIN-code: 8902-1580, (, e-mail:,(Russia, Moscow)

Abstract. Based on the studies of the formation of the knowledge economy by foreign and Russian scientists revealed changes in the structure of society, in management, in the use of resources. In the article the analysis of the knowledge economy from the point of view of the neoclassical school. Covered subjects of the knowledge economy. The proposed scheme of interaction between all actors of the knowledge economy on the basis of the Internet and information and communication technologies. The proposed structure of the national economy during the transition to the knowledge economy. Based on the Russian statistical classification the grouping of industries into 3 groups: group 1 includes industries that generate new knowledge, preserving and transmitting knowledge; 2 the group consists of industry and technology, contributing to knowledge transfer and to the 3rd group included the industry, using new and existing knowledge.

Keywords: knowledge economy, national economy, innovative development, post-industrial society, the structure of Economics, a subjects of the knowledge economy.


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