ISSN 2409-7616

A. Koshkin, Y. Davydova


Andrey Koshkin – doctor of political Sciences, head of the Department of political science and sociology Russian economic University by G. V. Plekhanov, RISC-SPIN-code: 6111-0412, e-mail:, (Russia, Moscow)

Yuliya Davydova – candidate of historical Sciences, associate Professor of political science and sociology  Russian economic University byG. V. Plekhanov, RISC-SPIN-code: 2967-8794, e-mail:, (Russia, Moscow)

Abstract. The article analyzes the views of Russian society about the members of various terrorist organizations. The study covers the period from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. The work shows a different perspective on the image of the terrorists since the beginning of the XX century to contemporary research. The authors thoroughly and consistently address the evolution of public opinion of Russians from total rejection of terrorism in the 50-60-ies of XIX century to the glorification of their representatives in the period of activity of the populists in the Soviet period. The study is based on analysis of historical facts, memoirs of contemporaries of the events, and historiographical literature. The authors come to the conclusion that in modern conditions represent the majority of the population about the way the terrorist a few distorted and simplified, while the real identity of terrorist are the basis of the state anti-terrorist measures and anti-extremist form of consciousness.

Key words: image of the terrorist, terrorism, public opinion, anti-extremist consciousness, antiterrorist measures.


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