ISSN 2409-7616

A. Ivoeva


Alla Ivoeva – 1 year post-graduate training in the direction of preparation 13.00.08 – Theory and Methods of Professional Education, Russian State Social University, (Russia, Moscow), e-mail:

Abstract. This scientific article deals with the problem of professional training of organizers of youth work. The General characteristic of the modern Russian system of education is determined by the specifics of professional formation and development of the specialty “Organization of work with youth”, the author provides the concept of deontology of the organizer of the youth work. The special value of the article lies in identification of the role of deontology in professional training organizer work with youth, as well as the scientific validity of the inclusion in the process of teaching students ethical principles. The author believes that the solution of this problem is possible due to the modeling of educational situations in which students who study in the field of “Organization of work with youth” will have to make decisions using the norms of professional ethics, which, in the final analysis, will lead to their adoption and development , giving the necessary experience, which will help them to integrate into the realities of professional activity.

Key words: ethics, ethical culture, professional training, the organizer of the youth work, education, youth policy.


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