ISSN 2409-7616

L. Mardakhaev


Lev Mardakhaev – doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Chair of Social Pedagogy and Youth Work Organization, Faculty of Social Work, Russian State Social University (Moscow), Honorary Worker   of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation,(Russia, Moscow), SPIN- code: 6449-0103, e-mail:

Annotation. Professional training is the most important stage in the life of a person. This is a special stage in the personal formation and development of man as a specialist. This formation is conditioned by the professionally oriented socialization of man. Its process is influenced by a combination of factors that lead to certain changes in the personality of the specialist being formed. It is important to comprehend the essence of professionally-oriented socialization of the trainee, which will make it possible to know the dynamics of becoming a specialist in the process of his professional training and to determine the ways of influencing him in the university, and also to determine the ways for his improvement. To reveal the essence of the problem, it is necessary to reveal such questions as: the essence and content of the professionally-oriented socialization of the trainee; ways to stimulate the professionally-oriented socialization of the trainee.

Key words: socialization, professional socialization, socialization factors.


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