ISSN 2409-7616

N. Simacheva


Natalia Simachevagraduate student of the Department of Clinical and Special Psychology SAEI HE “Moscow City Pedagogical University, SPIN-код: 2960-1896, AuthorID: 919896, e-mail:, (Russia, Moscow)

Summary. The subject of our study is to develop an effective motivation for learning of adolescents with mild mental retardation. Object of research – motivation for learning of adolescents with mild mental retardation. The aim of our research is the study of factors that affect the motivation of mentally retarded pupils. To achieve this goal the following research methods:1) Method of observation (for a map of Goals and observations P. G. I. Schukina)2) talk Method diagnostics of motivational sphere of the “Ladder of lessons”3) Statistical methods: Mann-Whitney test and the criterion f* Fisher. Processing of results was used the statistical packages SPSS 11.0 and Excel 2000. The main contribution of the author is the selection of factors influencing the effectiveness of the motivation for learning of adolescents with mild mental retardation: 1) the Adolescents with mental retardation prefer an authoritarian style of education and upbringing.2) Interactive lesson is an important condition for the effectiveness of schooling in this category.

Keywords: motivation, intellectual disabilities, mental retardation, educational process, training, teenage age, school pupils, special needs, interactive lesson, interaction with the teacher.

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