ISSN 2409-7616

A. Ivanov


Alexander Ivanov – professor of department pedagogical, age and social psychology Institute of psychology, sociology and social relations of the Moscow city pedagogical university, (Russia, Moscow), SPIN-код: 2422-2873; e-mail:

Summary. In this article theoretical bases of development of collective of kognitivistsky orientation which leading sense, on condition of acceptance of joint activities as an obligatory component of development of collective, elements of group cognitive structure are (the ideas and values) where informative processes proceed reveal. In article the characteristic of collective of kognitivistsky orientation, regularity and the principles, its types and types, development stages, model of development of collective, the area of work of the tutor with children’s collective of kognitivistsky orientation, its effectiveness is provided.

Keywords: collective, kognitivistsky approach, types and types of collectives, model of development of collective, regularity and the principles of development of collective, stages of development of collective, the area of work of the tutor with children’s collective, effectiveness.


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