ISSN 2409-7616

Y.Shimanovskaya, S.Kozlovskaya


Yanina Shimanovskaya – candidate of sociological Sciences, docent, head of chair of social technologies of the Russian state social University, (Russia, Moscow), SPIN-code: 6994-6579, e-mail:
Svetlana Kozlovskaya – candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor of the department of theory and methodic of social work of Russian state social university, (Russia, Moscow), SPIN-code: 8727-7112, e-mail:

Annotation. The article discusses the origin of the term “quality of life” in the modern sense and its scientific development. The issue is relevant because changes in time and space, different generations have different ideas about the essential circumstances of life that determine a sufficient degree of freedom and dignity that is a reflection of the quality of life. The investigation aimed at the study of the historical prerequisites for the formation of the concept of “quality of life” of the population.

Key words: quality of life, measure of life, social welfare, living conditions of citizens, standard of living.


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