ISSN 2409-7616

L. Mardakhaev, E. Varlamova


Lev Mardakhaev – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, Head of Department of social pedagogy, Faculty of social work, Russian State Social University (Moscow), Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russian Federation,(Russia, Moscow),SPIN– код: 6449-0103, e-Mail:

Elena Varlamova – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor of English language Department, Faculty of foreign languages, Chuvash State Pedagogical University (Russia, Cheboksary), e-Mail:

Annotation. The article researches a problem of preparing a future teacher to implementation of educational activity on teaching foreign languages and foreign-language culture, from perspectives of orientation of the educational process to forming at the bachelor of pedagogical education qualities, on the basis of which a future teacher will promote to personal socialization of pupils. The key characteristic of the graduate, the future teacher, is foreign-language professional competence as the complex of foreign-language abilities (capacities) which have the ethnocultural content. Showing these abilities (capacities) by a teacher in the educational activity allows to develop the polycultural qualities of the trained person (as the representative of ethnos, the nation, the polycultural society) and to carry out preparation of pupils for self-realization in the polycultural society.

Key words: foreign-language professional competence, ability (capacity), socialization, ethnocultural content, foreign-language education, polycultural qualities of teacher.


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